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Should this detail stay loaded (visible and collideable) even if you're outside the sector (good for very large props)?
Also makes this detail visible on the map.
Keeping many props loaded is bad for performance so use this only when it's actually relevant
Most logic/behavior scripts will still only work inside the sector, as most of those scripts break if a sector is not provided.
Should this object dynamically move around?
This tries to make all mesh colliders convex, as well as adding a sphere collider in case the detail has no others.
The mass of the physics object.
Most pushable props use the default value, which matches the player mass.
The radius that the added sphere collider will use for physics collision.
If there's already good colliders on the detail, you can make this 0.
If true, this detail will stay still until it touches something.
Good for zero-g props.
Set to true if this object's lighting should ignore the effects of sunlight
Activates this game object when the dialogue condition is met
Deactivates this game object when the dialogue condition is met
Should the player close their eyes while the activation state changes. Only relevant if activationCondition or deactivationCondition are set.
Should this detail be treated as a socket for an interactible item
Relative filepath to an asset-bundle to load the prefab defined in `path` from
Either the path in the scene hierarchy of the item to copy or the path to the object in the supplied asset bundle.
If empty, will make an empty game object. This can be useful for adding other props to it as its children.
A list of children to remove from this detail
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Do we reset all the components on this object? Useful for certain props that have dialogue components attached to
Scale the prop
Do we try to automatically align this object to stand upright relative to the body's center? Stacks with rotation.
Defaults to true for geysers, tornados, and volcanoes, and false for everything else.
Whether the positional and rotational coordinates are relative to parent instead of the root planet object.
The relative path from the planet to the parent of this object. Optional (will default to the root sector).
An optional rename of this object
A unique ID to associate this traveler with their corresponding quantum instruments and instrument zones. Must be unique for each traveler.
If set, the player must know this ship log fact for this traveler (and their instrument zones and quantum instruments) to appear. The fact does not need to exist in the current star system; the player's save data will be checked directly.
If set, the player must have this persistent dialogue condition set for this traveler (and their instrument zones and quantum instruments) to appear.
The dialogue condition that will trigger the traveler to start playing their instrument. Must be unique for each traveler.
If specified, this dialogue condition must be set for the traveler to participate in the campfire song. Otherwise, the song will be able to start without them.
The audio signal to use for the traveler while playing around the campfire (and also for their paired quantum instrument if another is not specified). The audio clip should be 16 measures at 92 BPM (approximately 42 seconds long).
The audio to use for the traveler during the finale of the campfire song. It should be 8 measures of the main loop at 92 BPM followed by 2 measures of fade-out (approximately 26 seconds long in total). Can be a path to a .wav/.ogg/.mp3 file, or taken from the AudioClip list.
The dialogue to use for this traveler. If omitted, the first CharacterDialogueTree in the object will be used.
The name of the base game traveler to position this traveler after at the campfire, starting clockwise from Riebeck. Defaults to the end of the list (right before Riebeck).