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The name of the item to be displayed in the UI. Defaults to the name of the detail object.
The type of the item, which determines its orientation when held and what sockets it fits into. This can be a custom string, or a vanilla ItemType (Scroll, WarpCore, SharedStone, ConversationStone, Lantern, SlideReel, DreamLantern, or VisionTorch). Defaults to the item name.
The furthest distance where the player can interact with this item. Defaults to two meters, same as most vanilla items. Set this to zero to disable all interaction by default.
The radius that the added sphere collider will use for collision and hover detection.
If there's already a collider on the detail, you can make this 0.
Whether the item can be dropped. Defaults to true.
A relative offset to apply to the item's position when dropping it on the ground.
The direction the item will be oriented when dropping it on the ground. Defaults to up (0, 1, 0).
A relative offset to apply to the item's position when holding it. The initial position varies for vanilla item types.
A relative offset to apply to the item's rotation when holding it.
A relative offset to apply to the item's position when placing it into a socket.
A relative offset to apply to the item's rotation when placing it into a socket.
The audio to play when this item is picked up. Only applies to custom/non-vanilla item types.
Can be a path to a .wav/.ogg/.mp3 file, or taken from the AudioClip list.
Defaults to "ToolItemWarpCorePickUp". Set to "None" to disable the sound entirely.
The audio to play when this item is dropped. Only applies to custom/non-vanilla item types.
Can be a path to a .wav/.ogg/.mp3 file, or taken from the AudioClip list.
Defaults to "ToolItemWarpCoreDrop". Set to "None" to disable the sound entirely.
The audio to play when this item is inserted into a socket. Only applies to custom/non-vanilla item types.
Can be a path to a .wav/.ogg/.mp3 file, or taken from the AudioClip list.
Defaults to the pickup audio. Set to "None" to disable the sound entirely.
The audio to play when this item is removed from a socket. Only applies to custom/non-vanilla item types.
Can be a path to a .wav/.ogg/.mp3 file, or taken from the AudioClip list.
Defaults to the drop audio. Set to "None" to disable the sound entirely.
A dialogue condition to set when picking up this item.
Whether the pickup condition should be cleared when dropping the item. Defaults to true.
A ship log fact to reveal when picking up this item.
A relative path from the planet to a socket that this item will be automatically inserted into.