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Star System Schema / Definitions / VesselModule
Schema Type: JSON Type: object

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Type: NomaiCoordinates

Coordinates that the vessel can use to warp to your solar system.

See Definitions/NomaiCoordinates


Type: string

A ship log fact which will make a prompt appear showing the coordinates when you're in the Vessel.


Type: boolean

Whether the vessel should spawn in this system even if it wasn't used to warp to it. This will automatically power on the vessel.


Type: boolean

Whether to always spawn the player on the vessel, even if it wasn't used to warp to the system.


Type: boolean or null

Whether the vessel should have physics enabled. Defaults to false if parentBody is set, and true otherwise.


Type: boolean or null

Whether the vessel should have a zero-gravity volume around it. Defaults to false if parentBody is set, and true otherwise.


Type: VesselInfo

The location that the vessel will warp to.

See Definitions/VesselInfo


Type: WarpExitInfo

The location that you will be teleported to when you exit the vessel through the black hole.

See Definitions/WarpExitInfo