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Dialogue Tree / Definitions / DialogueNode
Schema Type: XML

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Required Type: string Can Occur 1 Times

The name of this dialogue node


Type: string Can Occur Unlimited Times

The condition that needs to be met in order for the dialogue to begin at this node. There must
be one node that has a value of `DEFAULT`


Type: Self-Closing Can Occur 1 Times

When used with multiple Dialogues, the node will choose a random one to show


Type: Dialogue Can Occur Unlimited Times

The dialogue to show to the player

See Definitions/Dialogue


Type: RevealFacts Can Occur 1 Times

Facts to reveal when the player goes through this dialogue node

See Definitions/RevealFacts


Type: string Can Occur 1 Times

Set a new persistent condition that will last indefinitely in the current save, unless cancelled
or deleted


Type: string Can Occur Unlimited Times

Set a new condition that will only last for the current loop


Type: string Can Occur 1 Times

Disable a set persistent condition from the current save


Type: string Can Occur Unlimited Times

A ship log fact that must be revealed in order to proceed to the `DialogueTarget`


Type: string Can Occur 1 Times

The name of the `DialogueNode` to go to after this node. Mutually exclusive with
`DialogueOptionsList` here


Type: DialogueOptionsList Can Occur 1 Times

A list of options to show to the player once the character is done talking

See Definitions/DialogueOptionsList