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Celestial Body Schema / Definitions / ItemSocketInfo
Schema Type: JSON Type: object

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Type: MVector3

Rotation of the object

See Definitions/MVector3


Type: boolean or null

Do we try to automatically align this object to stand upright relative to the body's center? Stacks with rotation.
Defaults to true for geysers, tornados, and volcanoes, and false for everything else.


Type: MVector3

Position of the object

See Definitions/MVector3


Type: boolean

Whether the positional and rotational coordinates are relative to parent instead of the root planet object.


Type: string

The relative path from the planet to the parent of this object. Optional (will default to the root sector).


Type: string

An optional rename of this object


Type: string

The relative path to a child game object of this detail that will act as the socket point for the item. Will be used instead of this socket's positioning info if set.


Type: string

The type of item allowed in this socket. This can be a custom string, or a vanilla ItemType (Scroll, WarpCode, SharedStone, ConversationStone, Lantern, SlideReel, DreamLantern, or VisionTorch).


Type: number Default: 2

The furthest distance where the player can interact with this item socket. Defaults to two meters, same as most vanilla item sockets. Set this to zero to disable all interaction by default.


Type: boolean

Whether to use "Give Item" / "Take Item" prompts instead of "Insert Item" / "Remove Item".


Type: string

A dialogue condition to set when inserting an item into this socket.


Type: boolean Default: true

Whether the insert condition should be cleared when removing the socketed item. Defaults to true.


Type: string

A ship log fact to reveal when inserting an item into this socket.


Type: string

A dialogue condition to set when removing an item from this socket, or when the socket is empty.


Type: boolean Default: true

Whether the removal condition should be cleared when inserting a socketed item. Defaults to true.


Type: string

A ship log fact to reveal when removing an item from this socket, or when the socket is empty.