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Celestial Body Schema / Definitions / BrambleNodeInfo
Schema Type: JSON Type: object

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Type: MVector3

Rotation of the object

See Definitions/MVector3


Type: boolean or null

Do we try to automatically align this object to stand upright relative to the body's center? Stacks with rotation.
Defaults to true for geysers, tornados, and volcanoes, and false for everything else.


Type: MVector3

Position of the object

See Definitions/MVector3


Type: boolean

Whether the positional and rotational coordinates are relative to parent instead of the root planet object.


Type: string

The relative path from the planet to the parent of this object. Optional (will default to the root sector).


Type: string

An optional rename of this object


Type: number Default: 1

The physical scale of the node, as a multiplier of the original size.
Nodes are 150m across, seeds are 10m across.


Type: string

The name of the planet that hosts the dimension this node links to


Type: string

The name of this node. Only required if this node should serve as an exit.


Type: boolean Default: false

Set this to true to make this node a seed instead of a node the player can enter


Type: MColor

The color of the fog inside the node.
Leave blank for the default yellowish white color: (255, 245, 217, 255)

See Definitions/MColor


Type: MColor

The color of the light from the node. Alpha controls brightness.
Leave blank for the default white color.

See Definitions/MColor


Type: boolean or null

Should this node have a point of light from afar?
By default, nodes will have a foglight, while seeds won't, and neither will if not in a dimension.


Type: array

An array of integers from 0-5. By default, all exits are allowed. To force this node to warp players out from only one hole set this value to [3], [5], or similar. Values of 0-5 only.


Type: integer

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Type: boolean Default: false

If your game hard crashes upon entering bramble, it's most likely because you have indirectly recursive dimensions, i.e. one leads to another that leads back to the first one.
Set this to true for one of the nodes in the recursion to fix this, at the cost of it no longer showing markers for the scout, ship, etc.