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API Reference

API Interface

Put this in a C# file somewhere in your mod:

public interface INewHorizons
[Obsolete("Create(Dictionary<string, object> config) is deprecated, please use LoadConfigs(IModBehaviour mod) instead")]
void Create(Dictionary<string, object> config);
[Obsolete("Create(Dictionary<string, object> config) is deprecated, please use LoadConfigs(IModBehaviour mod) instead")]
void Create(Dictionary<string, object> config, IModBehaviour mod);
/// <summary>
/// Will load all configs in the regular folders (planets, systems, translations, etc) for this mod.
/// The NH addon config template is just a single call to this API method.
/// </summary>
void LoadConfigs(IModBehaviour mod);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the root GameObject of a custom planet made by creating configs.
/// Will only work if the planet has been created (see GetStarSystemLoadedEvent)
/// </summary>
GameObject GetPlanet(string name);
/// <summary>
/// The name of the current star system loaded.
/// </summary>
string GetCurrentStarSystem();
/// <summary>
/// An event invoked when the player begins loading the new star system, before the scene starts to load.
/// Gives the name of the star system being switched to.
/// </summary>
UnityEvent<string> GetChangeStarSystemEvent();
/// <summary>
/// An event invoked when NH has finished generating all planets for a new star system.
/// Gives the name of the star system that was just loaded.
/// </summary>
UnityEvent<string> GetStarSystemLoadedEvent();
/// <summary>
/// An event invoked when NH has finished a planet for a star system.
/// Gives the name of the planet that was just loaded.
/// </summary>
UnityEvent<string> GetBodyLoadedEvent();
/// <summary>
/// Uses JSONPath to query a body
/// </summary>
object QueryBody(Type outType, string bodyName, string path);
/// Uses JSONPath to query a body
/// </summary>
T QueryBody<T>(string bodyName, string path);
/// <summary>
/// Uses JSONPath to query the current star system
/// </summary>
object QuerySystem(Type outType, string path);
/// Uses JSONPath to query the current star system
T QuerySystem<T>(string path);
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to overwrite the default system. This is where the player is respawned after dying.
/// </summary>
bool SetDefaultSystem(string name);
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to instantly begin a warp to a new star system.
/// Will return false if that system does not exist (cannot be warped to).
/// </summary>
bool ChangeCurrentStarSystem(string name);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the uniqueIDs of each installed NH addon.
/// </summary>
string[] GetInstalledAddons();
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to spawn a copy of a prop by specifying its path.
/// This is the same as using Props->details in a config, but also returns the spawned gameObject to you.
/// </summary>
GameObject SpawnObject(GameObject planet, Sector sector, string propToCopyPath, Vector3 position, Vector3 eulerAngles,
float scale, bool alignWithNormal);
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to spawn an AudioSignal on a planet.
/// This is the same as using Props->signals in a config, but also returns the spawned AudioSignal to you.
/// This method will not set its position. You will have to do that with the returned object.
/// </summary>
AudioSignal SpawnSignal(IModBehaviour mod, GameObject root, string audio, string name, string frequency,
float sourceRadius = 1f, float detectionRadius = 20f, float identificationRadius = 10f, bool insideCloak = false,
bool onlyAudibleToScope = true, string reveals = "");
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to spawn character dialogue on a planet. Also returns the RemoteDialogueTrigger if remoteTriggerRadius is specified.
/// This is the same as using Props->dialogue in a config, but also returns the spawned game objects to you.
/// This method will not set the position of the dialogue or remote trigger. You will have to do that with the returned objects.
/// </summary>
(CharacterDialogueTree, RemoteDialogueTrigger) SpawnDialogue(IModBehaviour mod, GameObject root, string xmlFile, float radius = 1f,
float range = 1f, string blockAfterPersistentCondition = null, float lookAtRadius = 1f, string pathToAnimController = null,
float remoteTriggerRadius = 0f);


In your main ModBehaviour class you can get the NewHorizons API like so:

public class MyMod : ModBehaviour
void Start()
INewHorizons NewHorizonsAPI = ModHelper.Interaction.TryGetModApi<INewHorizons>("xen.NewHorizons");

See the doc comments on each method to see what they do.