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New Horizons

Create custom planets for Outer Wilds with New Horizons

This is the official site for New Horizons, a framework for creating custom planets in the game Outer Wilds by Mobius Digital.


Create Planets Through JSON

Use declarative JSON to create custom planets without having to write a line of code.

Custom Star Systems

Create solar systems seperate from the base game’s with its own planets, vessel coordinates, and ship log.


Interface with various life cycle events and functions during star system creation with New Horizon’s API.

Extendable Configs

Use the extras key in JSON files to allow extendable functionality with other mods.


This work is unofficial fan content created under permission from the Mobius Digital Fan Content Policy. It includes materials which are the property of Mobius Digital, and it is neither approved nor endorsed by Mobius Digital.

We are not responsible for any mods created using the New Horizons modding framework and assume no responsibility in the event an addon violates the terms.


The license for this project is available on the GitHub repository.